Sensus ApS > Sensus PharmaBraille
Sensus PharmaBraille
We are Braille Specialists
We are Braille Specialists
Sensus provides braille on pharmaceutical packaging and patient information leaflets. With Sensus’ e-mail robot you will simply recieve braille in the format of your wishes.
Sensus PharmaBraille
Sensus PharmaBraille is an e-mail based solution for companies who need to produce braille for pharmaceutical packages. As per the EU Directive 2001/83 / EC, it became a requirement to state the name and strength of the product in Braille on alle pharmaceutical packaging. This requirement should have been implemented locally by october 2005.
This is how it works: the Sensus PharmaBraille robot receives client information about the desired Braille Output– e.g., product name, strength and location. The robot will send it back as digital braille in the agreed graphic format. The result could be a graphic element in EMF (enhanced metafile) format which subsequently can be used in other programs such as Adobe Illustrator. The braille is produced with the desired font e.g., Marburg Medium, cf. the recommendations from the EU Commission. Sensus has designed variants of OctoBraille TrueType fonts that comply with the Marburg Medium specification.
In addition to the production of braille Sensus offers quality control. Depending on client needs Sensus can validate both the graphic and the tactile rendering of braille. Furthermore, Sensus can advise on solutions for automatic validation and finally on the design of the braille characters.
RoboBraille & Sensus Braille 4
Sensus PharmaBraille is based on RoboBraille and on the translationssystem Sensus Braille 4 (SB4).
Sensus Braille 4 is used for most of the braille production in Denmark while the RoboBraille e-mail robot is used daily to produce material in braille. The RoboBraille Service is used globally to produce alternate formats online including Braille and SB4 which is the result of 30 years of developing solutions for automatic braille translation.
A simpel implementation
Implementation of Sensus PharmaBraille requires minor adjustments making the final solution meet the individual company’s requirements for workflow, quality assurance, validation, graphic formats, text wrapping etc. In addition, during implementation, Sensus will create a dedicated email account for the individual company.
Get in touch through email for more information or if you are interested in acquiring OctoBrailleVisualMM. You are also welcome to use our contact form. We will get back to you soonest.